
由于母乳喂养儿中患肥胖症的比率很低,美国的各种全国性肥胖症预防运动都从支持母乳喂养开始做起。尽管肥胖症研究混杂了各种复杂因素,婴儿期获得过母乳喂养的青少年和成人,其肥胖症发病率与从未获得母乳喂养者相比能降低15%到30%。佛明罕后代研究 (Framingham Offspring study)指出了母乳喂养与成年期体重指数更低和高密度脂蛋白浓度更高之间的关系。一项同胞差异模型研究指出,母乳喂养儿会比他们用市售婴儿配方奶喂养的同胞兄弟姐妹轻14磅(6.35公斤),其体重指数达到肥胖症临界值的可能性也更低。母乳喂养的持续时间也与超重的风险呈负相关,母乳喂养每持续一个月就可能降低4%的超重风险。 许多研究中并未明确定义人乳是亲喂还是瓶喂,从而混淆了对以上数据的解读。这一点至关重要,因为不管增加奶量的方法如何,亲喂的婴儿都能自己调控摄入量,而这种早期建立的自我调控程式反过来会影响成年期体重的增加。与乳房亲喂的婴儿相比,用奶瓶、配方奶或者挤出的母乳进行喂养的婴儿在婴儿阶段的晚期(6个月以上)将会更频繁的吸空奶瓶,并出现自我调控能力更差和体重增加过度,这一发现更进一步支持了前述观点。 Because rates of obesity are significantly lower in breastfed infants, national campaigns to prevent obesity begin with breastfeeding support. Although complex factors confound studies of obesity, there is a 15% to 30% reduction in adolescent and adult obesity rates if any breastfeeding occurred in infancy compared with no breastfeeding. The Framingham Offspring study noted a relationship of breastfeeding and a lower BMI and higher high-density lipoprotein concentration in adults. A sibling difference model study noted that the breastfed sibling weighed 14 pounds less than the sibling fed commercial infant formula and was less likely to reach BMI obesity threshold. The duration of breastfeeding also is inversely related to the risk of overweight; each month of breastfeeding being associated with a 4% reduction in risk. The interpretation of these data is confounded by the lack of a definition in many studies of whether human milk was given by breastfeeding or by bottle. This is of particular importance, because breastfed infants self-regulate intake volume irrespective of maneuvers that increase available milk volume, and the early programming of self-regulation, in turn, affects adult weight gain. This concept is further supported by the observations that infants who are fed by bottle, formula, or expressed breast milk will have increased bottle emptying, poorer self-regulation, and excessive weight gain in late infancy (older than 6 months) compared with infants who only nurse from the breast. 来源:http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/129/3/e827.full 翻译:http://www.weibo.com/2514526082/zvv2Aev2H
