
母乳喂养与儿童期患炎症性肠病的风险降低31%相关32。据推测,这一保护性效应的机理可能是人乳的免疫调节作用与婴儿潜在的遗传易感性之间的相互影响。母乳喂养儿与市售婴儿配方奶喂养儿之间不同的肠道菌群定居模式可能增进了人乳对炎症性肠病的预防效果。 Breastfeeding is associated with a 31% reduction in the risk of childhood inflammatory bowel disease. The protective effect is hypothesized to result from the interaction of the immunomodulating effect of human milk and the underlying genetic susceptibility of the infant. Different patterns of intestinal colonization in breastfed versus commercial infant formula–fed infants may add to the preventive effect of human milk. 来源:http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/129/3/e827.full 翻译:http://www.weibo.com/2514526082/zvv2Aev2H
