
在1983到2005年间的进行的4项随机临床试验的Meta分析支持以下结论,即给早产儿进行纯人乳喂养与坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)发病率显著降低(58%)相关。最近一项对早产儿的研究发现,与基于牛乳的婴儿配方奶产品和母乳混合喂养相比,纯母乳喂养能使NEC发病率有77%的显著降低。在纯母乳喂养儿中,每10个孩子中就可预防一例NEC发病,而每8个孩子就可避免一例需要手术的NEC或因NEC致死. Meta-analyses of 4 randomized clinical trials performed over the period 1983 to 2005 support the conclusion that feeding preterm infants human milk is associated with a significant reduction (58%) in the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).A more recent study of preterm infants fed an exclusive human milk diet compared with those fed human milk supplemented with cow-milk-based infant formula products noted a 77% reduction in NEC.One case of NEC could be prevented if 10 infants received an exclusive human milk diet, and 1 case of NEC requiring surgery or resulting in death could be prevented if 8 infants received an exclusive human milk diet.19 来源:http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/129/3/e827.full 翻译:http://www.weibo.com/2514526082/zvv2Aev2H
