
一项研究表明,饮食决定着你生宝宝的性别。 Research claims vegetable diet gives you daughters and calcium and magnesium contained diet gives you sons. Consumption of diet that containing green leafy vegetables and fruits in the weeks before conception is likely to result in the birth of a daughter according to scientists. In the research followed with 172 couples showed that it was correct for 80 percent of sample taken. Scientists spent five years in this research in the family who wanted to add girls to their family member. At the end of research, out of 32 couple, 26 were found to giving birth to girls and 6 gave birth to boys. 这项研究声称,素食者会生女孩,而饮食中摄入钙和镁的人会生男孩。根据科学家的说法,在怀孕之前一周里,食谱中包括绿叶蔬菜和水果的人很有可能生女儿。在跟踪研究172对夫妻显示,此研究在样本中的正确率达80%。科学家花了五年时间研究想要生女儿的家庭。在研究结束时,32对夫妻中有26对生了女儿,有6对生了儿子。 The Dutch scientists are sure that following the right diet can help couples increase their chances of choosing the sex of their child, although they don’t know the exact role played by other factors. The other factors may be timing of conception.荷兰科学家坚信按照正确的食谱可以帮助夫妻选择他们宝宝的性别,尽管现在还不清楚具体还有别的什么因素的影响。很有可能是怀孕的时间这个因素。 http://article.yeeyan.org/view/186136/163460
