
对于所有婴儿,在出生后1天内应肌肉注射0.5至1.0mg维生素K1(植物甲萘醌)以降低新生儿出血性疾病的风险。建议在第一次母乳喂养完成后进行注射,但不应迟于出生后6小时。不应给予单次口服维生素K,因为口服的吸收率不定,不能为母乳喂养儿提供足够的药物浓度及储备。 由于生活方式的变化、遮阳帽和局部防晒用品的使用引起的接受日照减少,导致在所有婴儿中维生素D缺乏/不足以及佝偻病的发生呈增长趋势。为了保持足够的血清维生素D浓度,所有母乳喂养儿应从出院时起每天口服400U维生素D。 在出生后6个月内不应补充氟化物。在6个月到3岁之间,氟化物的补充仍应有所限制,只有生活在水中氟化物浓度低于0.3ppm的地区的婴儿应予以补充。约6个月左右,应开始添加富含铁和锌的辅食。6个月前可能需要添加口服补铁滴剂以补充储备铁的不足。 早产儿应同时补充复合维生素和口服铁剂,直到婴儿能够摄入全面的饮食,以及生长发育和血液系统状况达到正常为止。 Intramuscular vitamin K1 (phytonadione) at a dose of 0.5 to 1.0 mg should routinely be administered to all infants on the first day to reduce the risk of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn. A delay of administration until after the first feeding at the breast but not later than 6 hours of age is recommended. A single oral dose of vitamin K should not be used, because the oral dose is variably absorbed and does not provide adequate concentrations or stores for the breastfed infant. Vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency and rickets has increased in all infants as a result of decreased sunlight exposure secondary to changes in lifestyle, dress habits, and use of topical sunscreen preparations. To maintain an adequate serum vitamin D concentration, all breastfed infants routinely should receive an oral supplement of vitamin D, 400 U per day, beginning at hospital discharge. Supplementary fluoride should not be provided during the first 6 months. From age 6 months to 3 years, fluoride supplementation should be limited to infants residing in communities where the fluoride concentration in the water is <0.3 ppm. Complementary food rich in iron and zinc should be introduced at about 6 months of age. Supplementation of oral iron drops before 6 months may be needed to support iron stores. Premature infants should receive both a multivitamin preparation and an oral iron supplement until they are ingesting a completely mixed diet and their growth and hematologic status are normalized. 来源:http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/129/3/e827.full 翻译:http://www.weibo.com/2514526082/zvv2Aev2H
