
如果婴儿足月,母亲CMV(巨细胞)病毒血清阳性并不是母乳喂养的禁忌症。然而存在这样的可能性,即极低体重(出生体重<1500 g)的早产儿罹患迟发性类败血症综合征可能与从母乳中感染CMV病毒有关。尽管这种综合征不会导致长期的机体异常,但是仍然需要抗病毒治疗。但CMV病毒血清阳性的母亲对早产儿进行日常母乳喂养的价值仍超过临床疾病的风险,特别是至今还没有婴儿因此导致神经系统长期发育异常的报告。冰冻乳汁可以降低但不能消除CMV病毒。如果加热乳汁,无论是保温巴斯德灭菌(加热至62.5°C 30分钟)或者高温短时巴斯德灭菌(加热至72°C 5-10分钟)都可以消灭乳汁中的病毒,但是也会影响乳汁中的生物活性因子和营养。因此对所有早产儿而言,母亲新鲜的乳汁是日常喂养的最佳选择。 There is no contraindication to breastfeeding for a full-term infant whose mother is seropositive for cytomegalovirus (CMV). There is a possibility that CMV acquired from mother’s milk may be associated with a late-onset sepsis-like syndrome in the extremely low birth weight (birth weight <1500 g) preterm infant. Although not associated with long-term abnormalities, such a syndrome may warrant antiviral therapy.The value of routinely feeding human milk from seropositive mothers to preterm infants outweighs the risks of clinical disease, especially because no long-term neurodevelopmental abnormalities have been reported. Freezing of milk reduces but does not eliminate CMV.Heating, either as Holder pasteurization (heating at 62.5°C for 30 minutes) or high-temperature short pasteurization (72°C for 5–10 seconds) eliminates the viral load from the milk but also affects bioactive factors and nutrients.Thus, fresh mother’s own milk is preferable for routinely feeding all preterm infants. 来源:http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/129/3/e827.full 翻译:http://www.weibo.com/2514526082/zvv2Aev2H
