
你怀孕的时间不会很短,但是你却可能让你的宝宝诞生的时间稍微过早了一点。这种情况经常发生,许多准妈妈决定在妊娠期满之前的一两周就进行引产,但是她们并没有意识到即使提前几个星期分娩也会对她们那像口袋书一样大小的宝宝造成伤害。 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released data recently showing that in 2009 the preterm birth rate declined, for the third year in a row, to 12.18 percent of all births. Still, preterm birth is one of the reasons the infant mortality rate in the United States exceeds other developed countries.疾病控制和预防中心最近发布的资料表明近三年来早产的比例连续在下降并在2009年下降到占总出生率的12.18%。尽管如此,早产依然是导致美国婴儿死亡率超过其他发达国家的原因之一。But the preterm birth rate—defined as babies born before 37 weeks gestation—doesn't tell the whole story. Babies born even a little shy of the 39-week mark may still suffer health trouble, including breathing and feeding problems, says Dr. Scott Berns, a pediatrician who is a senior vice president at the March of Dimes.虽然早产率一般被定义为在妊娠期达到37周之前的分娩,但并不能断定那样就是安全的。美国优生优育基金会副主席http://www.linkedin.com/pub/scott-berns/8/61/4a7是一名小儿科医生,他表示:妊娠期差一点点不到39周就出生的孩子都有可能遭受健康问题的困扰,包括呼吸问题和进食问题。In addition to the health toll, premature births in 2005 cost the country at least $26 billion, or more than $51,600 per infant born early, according to the March of Dimes. Families often bear much of the burden. Some who think they have insurance coverage can be surprised to learn that even when choosing a hospital that is in their insurance network, some costs for neonatal intensive care units will not be covered.根据优生优育基金会的资料,除了带来健康问题,早产在2005年就至少花费了国家260亿美元,几乎每个早产的孩子就花费了超过51600美元。这些家庭往往要承受大部分费用。一些人以为他们有参加保险项目,但是他们往往会惊奇地发现,尽管他们选择了保险网络覆盖的医院,但新生儿加护部分的费用却是不包含在保险项目内的。"Over 90 percent of women think it's safe to deliver before 39 weeks," he says. "Even though technically 'preterm' is considered under 37 weeks, babies aren’t fully developed until 39 weeks."“超过百分之九十的女士认为在妊娠期达39周之前分娩是安全的,”Scott Berns说,“虽然严格根据法律来说早产是指37周之内的分娩,但是妊娠期没有达到39周婴儿是没有完全长成的。”1So pregnant women should give careful consideration to the effects of an elective induction before full term and try to avoid it, says Berns. “The key is becoming an active partner and participant in your care.”“所以怀孕的女士们应该仔细考虑一下妊娠期未满就进行引产的影响并尽量避免早产,”Berns说,“关键是充当一个积极用爱关怀宝宝的伙伴和参与者。” http://article.yeeyan.org/view/97664/163934
