
让宝宝的睡眠、饮食和活动形成规律,这会使你和宝宝的生活变得更加轻松。但是该如何开始呢?下面的七个准则,对建立规律会很有指导意义。Get your baby used to a bedtime routine early on 尽早让你的宝宝习惯定点睡觉。 一旦宝宝保持了始终如一的时间点睡觉,那么白天的作息时间就能有条不紊了,T说。T是一位小儿科医师,并是《神奇的几年:帮你的孩子成功越过人生发展主要的里程碑》的主编。And the easiest way to establish a regular bedtime is to start a predictable bedtime routine that you and your baby can depend on night after night. 建立规律的就寝时间最简单的方法是启用一个可预见的就寝时间,这个是你和宝宝每晚都可依靠的就寝时间。"The bedtime routine is the most important thing to consider when establishing a schedule," says Altmann. "You can't force it in the first few months, but you can start practicing at around 2 months." “就寝时间是建立规律时首要考虑的事。”A说,“在婴儿头几个月的时候,你不能强制性的去执行,但是在宝宝两个月左右时可以开始练习看看。”Altmann says to keep it simple: a warm bath, jammies, a feeding, then lights-out. It's fine if feeding lulls your baby to sleep in the early months, Altmann says, but by 3 or 4 months you may want to try putting him down awake so he'll learn to fall asleep on his own. A说简单点就行:洗个热水澡,穿上宽松的睡衣,喂饱,然后熄灯。在宝宝头两个月的时候,如果他喝着奶就睡着了,那也没关系。A说,但是到他3、4个月大以后,你最好在他醒着的时候放下他,这样宝宝才能学会自己睡着。Teach your baby the difference between night and day 让宝宝分清白天与黑夜。Many babies mix up their days and nights at first, sleeping long stretches during the day only to perk up once the sun goes down. Helping your baby learn to tell day from night is a key first step to getting into a workable routine. 很多宝宝刚开始常常将白天黑夜混淆了,白天睡了很长的时间,到了太阳落山才醒来。帮你的宝宝分清白天黑夜,是形成切实可行的作息规律的关键第一步。Amy Shelley, mom to 8-month-old Alex, offers these tips: "During the day, keep the house bright. Do the exact opposite at night: Keep the house dim and quiet. Don't talk to your baby much during night feedings. Let him learn that night is for sleeping and daytime is for socialization and playtime." Amy是8个月大Alex的母亲,她提供了些小建议:白天时候尽量让房子保持明亮。晚上则要完全相反:房间一定要昏暗安静。在晚上喂奶时,不要跟你的宝宝说太多话。让他明白夜晚是睡觉时间,而白天是玩耍和生活的时间。2Learn to read your baby's cues 学会读懂宝宝的信号Websites, books, your baby's doctor, and other parents can all help as you figure out an appropriate schedule for your baby. But your child will be an important guide, and he'll tell you what he needs — if you learn to read his cues. 网站,书籍,宝宝医生和其他的家长,都能对你在帮宝宝形成良好习惯时有所帮助。但是宝宝才是你最重要的“向导”,他会告诉你他需要什么,如果你学会读懂宝宝的信号的话。"When parents take the time to be with their baby, the information they receive gets sifted through their own experience. 'Instincts' come from learning about your baby's temperament and what works for him," says pediatrician Daniel Levy, president of the Maryland chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Maryland. “当父母们和孩子在一起时,他们接收到的信息会经由原有经验过滤一番。'直觉'是来自于对宝宝脾气的了解,并知道什么对它管用。”小儿科医生D说。D是美国小儿科学院马里兰分院的校长,马里兰大学小儿科临床助教。Mom Liana Scott says paying close attention to 9-month-old Keaton has helped her anticipate his needs, which makes life easier and more fun for both of them."Now I'm able to feed him before he's really hungry and put him to bed before he's overtired and fussy," says Scott. 妈妈L说,对9个月大的K密切关注能帮她提前满足宝宝的需求,这让母子俩的生活更轻松更愉快。“现在我能在他真的饥饿之前就给他喂饭,在他累过头或者发飙之前让他上床睡觉。”S说。Learning what your baby needs when takes time and patience. But you'll see patterns emerge over time. And if you log your baby's naps, feedings, playtime, and so on in a notebook or on the computer, you can use this record to come up with a timetable for doing things. When starting out, put your baby's schedule first 了解你宝宝的需求真的很花时间,需要很大的耐心。但久而久之,你就可以看见一点规律模式了。如果把宝宝的午睡时间,饮食,玩耍之类的细节都记录到本子上或者电脑上,那么你就可以用这些记录为宝宝建立一个时间表了。当开始实施计划时,还是把宝宝的时间表摆在首位If you're encouraging your baby to follow a schedule or observing his patterns to figure out a routine that works, make this process a top priority for at least the first couple of weeks. Avoid deviating from the routine with vacations, meals on the go, outings that push naptime back, and so on. Once you establish a pattern for your baby's sleeping, awake, and feeding times, changing things for an afternoon isn't likely to undo his habits. But it's best to keep your baby's schedule as consistent as possible while he's getting used to it. 如果你在鼓励宝宝去遵循你的计划表,或者在观察并寻找一个切实可行的行为模式时,那么至少在开始的几周之内,一定要将这个过程作为最优先考虑的事。别让假期,匆忙吃饭,郊游等事情把午睡时间推后,从而背离了原定计划。一旦给宝宝建立了睡、醒、吃的固定模式,偶尔一个下午的变更是不大可能会破会宝宝的习惯的。但是在宝宝仍然在习惯他的模式时,最好尽量保持一致的计划,别随意改变。Expect changes during growth spurts and milestones 在宝宝成长爆发期和成长里程碑中,预期宝宝的变更 你的宝宝在第一年中能完成很多学习任务。他的体重会增加到出生时的三倍,他会掌握一些主要的本领,像坐直,爬行,甚至是步行。在宝宝成长期间或者当宝宝努力迈向一个新的里程碑时,他可能会脱离平常的作息规律,对此也不要惊讶。他可能会比平常更加饥饿,需要更多睡眠,或者像以前一样夜里醒来好几次。但是你一定要坚持下去,你的宝宝很可能段时间内就恢复原样,或者这也可能是宝宝发出的一个信号——他需要你调整一下模式了。Your child accomplishes so much in the first year. He'll nearly triple his weight and achieve some major feats like sitting up, crawling, even walking. During periods of growth or when he's working to achieve a new milestone, don't be surprised if your baby diverges from his usual routine. He may be hungrier than usual, need more sleep, or return to waking up several times a night. Hang in there — your baby may be back on schedule shortly, or this may be a sign that you need to adjust your routine. Adjust your baby's schedule to suit his age 根据宝宝的年龄段来调整你的“宝贝计划”It may feel like just when you've gotten into a predictable groove with your little one, it's time to change it again. As your baby gets older, he'll need fewer daytime naps and more playtime and stimulation. He'll also need to eat solid foods — first just once a day, but eventually several times a day. As these developmental shifts happen, your child's schedule will shift as well. Reading up on these milestones and checking out our sample schedules for babies of all ages can help you know what to expect. Don't expect perfection 感觉刚刚才和宝宝适应了一个可预见的习惯,怎么又要改变呢?当你的宝宝渐渐长大,他白天睡觉的时间会越来越少,需要玩耍和刺激的时间就变多了。他也需要吃固体食物,一开始是一天吃一顿,慢慢的,一天好几顿。当这些发展变化发生时,孩子的习惯模式也须随之改变。研究宝宝的发展里程碑,看看我们为各年龄段的孩子们设计的模式样本,对你该如何期望有所帮助。不要期望十全十美 Some parent-led schedules set the expectation that your baby's routine will always run like clockwork. And though babies do like consistency, you can expect changes from day to day and as your baby grows. Sometimes, for whatever reason, your baby will want to skip a nap, have an extra snack, wake up before dawn, and so on. And life happens as well — vacations, older siblings, plans with friends and family, errands you need to take care of, and other factors will all come into play in your daily life with your baby. Variation is okay, as long as your baby is getting the sleep, play, food, care, and love he needs to thrive.在这里输入译文 有些父母总是期望宝宝能按照设定好的模式顺利进行下去。虽然宝宝的确比较喜欢保持一致的习惯,但是你应该要预料到,随着宝宝每天长大,变化随时发生。有时候不需要理由,你的宝宝可能就不愿睡午觉了,想再吃点点心,或者在天还没亮之前就醒来之类。生活也是如此,比如假期,兄弟姐妹的到来,和朋友家人的计划等需要你去关心、处理,其他的因素也会参与到你和宝宝的生活中来。就算想去度假也没关系,只要你的宝宝睡得好,玩得好,吃得好,得到良好的关爱和照料,让他能够茁壮成长就行。 http://article.yeeyan.org/view/234823/204605
