
With the rise of cesarean sections and scheduled births, it’s no surprise that expectant mothers might favor some dates over others for their children’s births. But a recent study drawing on US birth certificates from a ten-year period suggests that even with natural, spontaneous births, the mother may be able exert some kind of control over when she goes into labor. The team found that there were about 5% fewer births on Halloween and about 4% more on Valentine’s Day than there were on any day in the surrounding two weeks. 随着越来越多的准妈妈们选择剖腹产和预定日期生产,她们选择更喜欢的日期作为宝宝的生日也不足为奇。但最近一项根据对十年间的美国出生证明的研究显示,甚至对于自然分娩的日期,准妈妈也能不自觉的施以影响。 该研究发现与前后两周的任何一日相比,在万圣节出生的婴儿减少了5%,而在情人节有多于4%的婴儿出生。The researchers think that the frightening connotations of Halloween—skeletons, zombies, and so on—as experienced by the mother might be enough to affect the hormones that control labor, putting the birth off (and vice versa when it comes to the positive connotations of Valentine’s Day). But the specific biological connection between a mother’s holiday-influenced emotional state and labor is still an open question. 研究人员认为万圣节令人不安的象征物——骷髅,僵尸等等,足以让准妈妈体内控制分娩的荷尔蒙受影响,推后宝宝出生。而浪漫温情的情人节来到时,情况则正好相反。但是对于左右准妈妈们情绪的节日影响与分娩之间的联系还有待研究。 In cultures that don’t celebrate Halloween and Valentine’s Day but consider other days particularly auspicious or inauspicious, does this effect also happen? Inquiring minds want to know. 在那些不过万圣节和情人节但也有吉祥或不吉祥的特殊日子的其他文化里,这些影响也会发生吗?好奇的人们总会想知道 来源:http://article.yeeyan.org/view/242548/229819
