
在怀孕期间食用鱼油可以保护你未降生的宝宝远离湿疹,科学家如是说。In tests, children whose mothers took omega 3 supplements were a third less likely to develop the dry skin condition.在实验中,母亲食用omega-3脂肪酸增补剂所生的孩子是3种最不可能患湿疹的情况之一。 http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/01/31/article-0-0D12FADC000005DC-709_468x341.jpg Expectant mothers who take fish oils during pregnancy could protect their unborn babies from eczema, scientists claim在孕期食用鱼油的准妈妈可以保护为降生的宝宝未来远离湿疹,科学家称。They were also 50 per cent less likely to develop an intolerance to eggs before their first birthdays.在宝宝降生后的第一年,减少50%的患病可能性。 The Australian scientists believe that omega 3 fatty acids passed on to via the placenta affect the unborn baby’s immune system which protects against eczema.澳大利亚科学家相信,omega-3脂肪酸通过胚胎传递而影响为降生宝宝的免疫系统,以预防湿疹。Researchers at Adelaide University studied 706 pregnant women with a family history of allergies.阿德莱大学的研究人员研究了706位有家族过敏史的孕妇。 http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/01/31/article-0-00031B06000004B0-447_224x423.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/01/31/article-0-01172C4C00000578-965_224x423.jpg Pills: Pregnant women are being encouraged to take fish oil supplements, right药丸:孕妇正被鼓励进食鱼油增补剂,正确。Half were given fish oil supplements to take three times a day from 21 weeks into the pregnancy until the birth. The others were given vegetable oil.其中一半孕妇从妊娠21周开始进食鱼油增补剂直到宝宝降生,其余的孕妇则进食植物油。 More research is needed to see if fish oils protect against asthma and hay fever, the British Medical Journal reported.还需要更多的研究以证明鱼油可以预防哮喘、花粉热,《英国医学期刊》上发表的报道说。 The Government advises pregnant women not to eat more than four portions of fish a week as high levels of mercury can be dangerous to the baby.政府建议孕妇每周不要进食超过四计量的鱼油,过量食用效果同高浓度汞一样都会危及到婴儿。 来源:http://article.yeeyan.org/view/280999/248604
