The ABCs of Breastfeeding 母乳喂养基础知识

source: 中文翻译:豌豆爸爸@小灰灰 Assistance. Your baby will need to learn how to position your breast far back in his (or her) mouth, so that he can feed effectively, not just use the nipple as a pacifier. 帮助。您的宝宝需要学习如何将您的乳房放到嘴里,这样Ta可以有效地吃奶,不要将乳头仅作为安抚奶嘴用。 !( Breastmilk. The small amount of colostrum, (or early milk) less than a teaspoon is about what a baby takes with each good breastfeeding in the first couple of days. That amount is exactly right to meet his needs. 母乳。在出生后头几天内,不到1茶匙的少量的初乳(或早奶) 是宝宝每次饱餐的母乳。那个量恰好能满足Ta的需求。 Contact. Research shows the following benefits of holding your baby skin-to-skin: 接触。研究显示,亲密抱宝宝具有下列收益: helps your baby sleep more 帮助宝宝谁的更多 helps you sleep more 帮助您睡得更多 helps your baby learn to breastfeed sooner 帮助宝宝更快学会母乳喂养 keeps your baby at the perfect body temperature 保持宝宝最佳的体温 increases your milk production 增加您的产乳量
