
国际母乳会鼓励妈妈们重视维生素D La Leche League International Encourages Mothers to Recognize Importance of Vitamin D Contact Information: Jane Crouse, [email protected] Phone: 001 847 519-7730 Ext. 271. 联系人:Jane Crouse, 电话:001 847 519-7730 , 分机271. [email protected] (October 16, 2008) La Leche League International encourages all mothers to recognize the importance of vitamin D to the health of their children. Recent research shows that due to current lifestyles, breastfeeding mothers may not have enough vitamin D in their own bodies to pass to their infants through breastmilk. (2008年10月16日)国际母乳会鼓励所有的妈妈们要认识到维生素D对于孩子健康的重要性。最近的研究表明,由于现在的生活方式,母乳喂养的妈妈体内可能没有足够的维生素D来通过母乳供给她们的宝宝。 In October 2008, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that infants receive 400 IU a day of vitamin D, beginning in the first few days of life. Children who do not receive enough vitamin D are at risk for rickets and increased risk for infections, autoimmune diseases, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. 2008年10月,美国儿科医师学会推荐婴儿在出生后的几天即开始每天摄入400国际单位的维生素D。孩子如果没有获得足够的维生素D,就会有得佝偻病的危险,也会增加感染、自身免疫病、癌症、糖尿病和骨质疏松症的风险。 Vitamin D is mainly acquired through exposure to sunlight and secondarily through food. Research shows that the adoption of indoor lifestyles and the use of sunscreen have seriously depleted vitamin D in most women. The ability to acquire adequate amounts of vitamin D through sunlight depends on skin color and geographic location. Dark-skinned people can require up to six times the amount of sunlight as light-skinned people. People living near the equator can obtain vitamin D for 12 months of the year while those living in northern and southern climates may only absorb vitamin D for six or fewer months of the year. 维生素D主要是通过晒太阳获得,其次是通过食物。研究表明,长时间待在室内的生活方式以及防晒霜的使用 大大地减少了大部分女性体内的维生素D。通过日照获取足够维生素D的能力取决于肤色和地理位置。如要体内产生相同的维生素D,黑皮肤的人需要的光照是白皮肤的人的6倍。由于日照因素,住在赤道附近的人一年12个月都可获得维生素D,而那些住在北方和南方的人一年当中可能只有6个月甚至更短的时间来吸收维生素D。 For many years, La Leche League International has offered the research-based recommendation that exclusively breastfeed babies received all the vitamin D necessary through mother’s milk. Health care professionals now have a better understanding of the function of vitamin D and the amounts required, and the newest research shows this is only true when mothers themselves have enough vitamin D. Statistics indicate that a large percentage of women do not have adequate amounts of vitamin D in their bodies. 一直以来,国际母乳会基于研究得出结论,纯母乳喂养的宝宝们可以通过妈妈的奶水就能获得所需要的维生素D。医学专家们现在更好地理解了维生素D的功效和所需的量,而最新的研究表明只有当妈妈体内有了足够的维生素D,以上观点才是正确的。而统计显示大部分的女性体内并没有足够的维生素D。 La Leche League International acknowledges that breastfeeding mothers who have adequate amounts of vitamin D in their bodies can successfully provide enough vitamin D to their children through breastmilk. It is recommended that pregnant and nursing mothers obtain adequate vitamin D or supplement as necessary. Health care providers may recommend that women who are unsure of their vitamin D status undergo a simple blood test before choosing not to supplement. 国际母乳会认为,母乳喂养的妈妈如果自己体内有足够的维生素D就可以成功地通过母乳为她们的宝宝提供足够的维生素D。我们建议怀孕和哺乳期妇女应该摄入充足的维生素D或其补剂。医护人员可以建议那些不确定自己是否缺维生素D的妇女先去做个简单的血液化验,再决定是否需要补充维生素D。 Parents or health care providers who want more information on rickets, vitamin D in human milk, or other information on breastfeeding issues may call La Leche League International at (847) 519-7730 or visit our Web site at www.llli.org. 孩子的父母或医护人员如果想获得更多关于佝偻病、母乳中的维生素D或者其它关于母乳喂养问题的信息,可以拨打国际母乳会的电话 001- 847-519-7730或访问我们的网站 www.llli.org
